“Replacing the crutches and excuses for failure with the tools for LIFELONG SUCCESS!”

Started 1986

Steps to Starting a RELAY Program
All will be performed on an agreement with AmericasCHILD functioning as a “consultant” and as a “prerequisite” to granting a full RELAY program to the requesting client organization. The granting of a “Full RELAY” program status would initiate with the signing and acceptance by AmericasCHILD and the client organization of a one year (or more) contract which includes first year administration and implementation of the program and training of client organization’s staff, employee(s) and/or volunteers (up to a total of three). Such training will be for the purpose of having “in-house” administration of the RELAY program after the first year. However, the client organization can choose to retain AmericasCHILD consultant(s) (up to two) to continue administering the program beyond the first year on a consulting-contractual basis.

Consultant/Strategy Session-AmericasCHILD will meet with your organization’s representative for “pre-implementation” planning. Organization should make available organizational (a) mission statement; (b) goals & objectives; ( c) short range and long range goals, etc.

AmericasCHILD (consultants) will perform inventory, assessment and evaluation of organization’s facilities, equipment and supplies relative to implementing the RELAY program.

Using the information collected in STEPs 1 & 2; AmericasCHILD will create a “recommended” equipment, supply and facilities needs list that should ensure the ability to meet the production objectives outlined in the “Consultant/Strategy Session”.

AmericasCHILD (consultants) will work with your organization to identify staff, employees or volunteers within your organization who may be suitable for training for operating and maintaining the RELAY program over a protracted period of time (the long run).

AmericasCHILD will work with your organization to evaluate children/youth participants (present & anticipated) who may benefit from participation in the program.

AmericasCHILD will identify, contact and evaluate local Video/TV production and RELAY program enhancement facilities, programs, businesses and educational institutions in the area that are interested or capable of assisting with the implementation of the RELAY program.

AmericasCHILD will work with your organization to create a “tentative” time-table (line) for implementing and maintaining a RELAY program.

AmericasCHILD will assess and recommend Community Access Networks, local and independent TV stations for the possibility of dissemination and distribution of productions over broadcast networks and/or channels--to include internet publishing on the client organization’s website and other appropriate internet locations.

AmericasCHILD will assist the client organization in publicizing, and if requested, children/youth recruitment for participation in the RELAY program.
All of the aforementioned will be performed on an agreement with AmericasCHILD functioning as a “consultant” and as a “prerequisite” to granting a full RELAY program to the requesting client organization. The granting of a “Full RELAY” program status would initiate with the signing and acceptance by AmericasCHILD and the client organization of a one year (or more) contract which includes first year administration and implementation of the program and training of client organization’s staff, employee(s) and/or volunteers (up to a total of three). Such training will be for the purpose of having “in-house” administration of the RELAY program after the first year. However, the client organization can choose to retain AmericasCHILD consultant(s) (up to two) to continue administering the program beyond the first year on a consulting-contractual basis.